Felv in Fiv -uporabno

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udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 21774

Pridružen: Pe avg 13, 2010 2:52 pm

Odgovor Pe feb 05, 2016 3:49 am

Felv in Fiv -uporabno

Če boste kdaj v dvomih in celo imeli slabo vest, da ste pustili levkozico pri življenju, nikar.

The FeLV positive cat in a rescue centre

These cats pose a great problem to rescue centres as relatively few people are willing to adopt them. As a general principle, healthy FeLV positive cats should be re-homed to households without other cats (certainly without kittens). However, this should not be adhered to so strictly that the welfare of the individual cat is forgotten, since the risk of transmission between adult cats is actually quite small. 85% develop their own immunity to Feline Leukaemia, but if they have not been tested for this, or they are tested and found to have no immunity, they may be vaccinated against it, and that apart, they are simply not easily infected with the virus.
FeLV positive feral cats pose a particular problem. If they are prone to fight they should be neutered as this may decrease their aggression, (in practice they are unlikely to be tested unless they have been trapped to be neutered.) There is not a great deal else that can be done, although an aggressive feral cat might be 're-located'. In a colony situation, provided the entire colony has been neutered, so that no more infected or vulnerable kittens are born, it is just as well to leave them all together. The adult cats which are not FeLV positive will probably be immune.
Unfortunately, it is pointless to think we shall ever succeed in eliminating FeLV from the cat population because there is a large pool of cats who are never seen by a veterinary surgeon.

Therefore the practice of killing individual healthy cats who happen to have been tested and found to be positive, with the object of preventing them spreading the infection is not only callous but pointless. We should do our best for each individual cat in the circumstances.

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udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 21774

Pridružen: Pe avg 13, 2010 2:52 pm

Odgovor Pe feb 05, 2016 4:06 am

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

Če ste v dvomih, kaj narediti s FIV+ mačko.

A cat who contracts FIV will usually still have a strong immune system for several years after infection, it is only over time, that the effects of the virus may start to show, and even then, most infections can be treated with the appropriate medications. With love and good care however, many FIV+ cats can live normal lifespans. These days, it's not unusual to find FIV+ cats reaching 15 years or more.

A ten-year FIV Monitoring Project was carried out at Glasgow Veterinary School involving 26 cats and the results indicated that a higher percentage of FIV negative cats died during the period of the study than FIV positive cats, and that FIV infection did not affect the cats' life expectancy. Dr Diane D. Addie (Lecturer in Veterinary Virology, University of Glasgow) said "at least 3 studies in FIV positive cats have shown a life span equal to uninfected cats." A fourteen year study by Maureen Hutchison B.Sc, BVMS, MRCVS (veterinary adviser to the Cat Action Trust) found that FIV-positive cats are more likely to die by being killed in road accidents or to be alive and well into their twilight years than they are to die from any FIV related condition.

Knowing what we now do of the prolonged nature of the condition, euthanasia is totally inappropriate and inhumane. Being killed in a road accident is a far higher risk for a cat than FIV.

The most recent research carried out at Glasgow University's Companion Animal Diagnostics indicates that the chances of FIV being passed from one cat to another in the same household is approx 1-2%. This means that if you have 100 cats (!) in a house with 1 FIV positive cat, only 1 or 2 could be expected to become infected. Even when FIV was passed on, as in the Glasgow survey, none of the cats actually died of it. In another survey a few years ago FIV was not passed from cat to cat in the same household at all.

The Celia Hammond Animal Trust have been conducting a long-term study at their sanctuary since the late 1990's, where FIV-positive and FIV-negative cats live happily together, grooming each other and sharing food bowls and litter trays. Regular blood tests for the virus are carried out, and to date no cases of transmission have yet been found.

There seems no reason, therefore, not to have FIV positive and negative cats in the same household, provided they are not fighters. If two cats in one household fight, they should be kept apart, given behavioural therapy or one re-homed, regardless of their FIV status. So, this is obviously a decision to be taken on a case by case basis, depending on the natures of the cats involved.


udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 2033

Pridružen: Po feb 13, 2012 9:05 pm

Kraj: Koper

Odgovor Pe feb 05, 2016 7:24 am

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

Hvala za tole branje :) :good:
Your Cat: Simple New Secrets to a Longer, Stronger Life
by Elizabeth M. Hodgkins
Uporabniški avatar

udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 21774

Pridružen: Pe avg 13, 2010 2:52 pm

Odgovor Ne feb 07, 2016 8:16 pm

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

http://bestfriends.org/stories-blog-vid ... onceptions

Feline leukemia misconceptions

| September 4, 2012 | 2 Comments
By Aimee Larsen

Joni Miller helps celebrate Cybella's 21st birthday.

In 2007, the oldest cat at the Best Friends Sanctuary was positive for the feline leukemia virus (FeLV). Cybella, a Siamese, was – drum roll, please – 21-1/2 years old. Not only did she live a long life but an extremely happy life as well.

One of the biggest misconceptions about feline leukemia, which suppresses a cat’s immune system, is that it is an automatic death sentence. There are many variables, however, that come into play that determine how FeLV will affect a particular cat.

FeLV: How serious is it?

"Many people think FeLV cats are sick and dying and have no quality of life," says cat caregiver Joni Miller. "The reality, though, is felines who are positive for the virus can remain healthy for months or years after their diagnosis until the virus becomes active." In fact, some cats can live to be 10 to 15 years old if they are diagnosed as an adult. Whatever length their life ends up being, their time can be joy-filled.

So what exactly does the future hold for a cat who is diagnosed with FeLV? There are many factors, the biggest of which is the cat’s age — more specifically whether the cat is a kitten or an adult when they acquire the virus.

The virus is harder on kittens than adults. Sadly, most kittens succumb to the disease before their second birthday. Nevertheless, even though the virus can be harsh on kittens, this does not mean their lives are without worth. (Read "A tale of two brothers" about two kittens who had brief but joyous lives.)

Also, there’s a loophole that some fortunate kittens are able to slip through. Consider the journey of littermates Socks and Mr. Jimmers, two young cats who are available for adoption from the Sanctuary.

First a little background. There are two tests that are used to determine a cat's FeLV status: a Snap or ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and an IFA, indirect immunofluorescent anitbody assay. Joni explains, "The Snap test determines if the virus is present in the cat's system, but not at what stage. A positive on the Snap could mean the cat was recently exposed and fighting it off, or that the cat is chronically infected."

When these two boys came to the Sanctuary as kittens, they tested faintly positive for FeLV on the Snap test and positive on the ELISA test.

A positive on the Snap test can mean that the virus hasn’t gotten into the bone marrow, so they might be able to fight it off. For this reason, this duo lived at Cat World Headquarters, away from other cats with the virus. In time, they tested negative for FeLV on both tests.

Adopting a cat with feline leukemia

Socks would love a new family.

Cats who are positive for the feline leukemia virus require special considerations. They can live with other species (dogs, bunnies and so on), but must be an only cat or live with other felines who have the disease. The virus infects felines only, but it spreads easily through casual interaction, including via food and water bowls, litter boxes, and through mutual grooming.

There are feline leukemia vaccines, but they’re only 85 to 98 percent effective, says Joni. "None are 100 percent, which is why it is not recommended that positive cats live with non-positive cats," she explains.

FeLV in the shelter cat population

Joni goes on to comment, "Another misconception is that FeLV cats should be euthanized once they test positive because, again, the misconception is they won't live very long and will be ill and suffering for a long time."

Cats who test positive in shelters do indeed present unique challenges. They must be housed separately from the general population and are more difficult to adopt out in large part because of commonly held misconceptions. Additional veterinary care may be required since the virus weakens a cat's immune system, making them more susceptible to illnesses. Because of lack of space, funds and potential adopters, many shelters find themselves in a difficult predicament. Many automatically kill cats who test positive for the virus.

Regardless of the length of their life, a cat with the virus can lead an incredibly happy life, just like any other cat.

Support or adopt a cat with FeLV

Because of big-hearted and compassionate donors like you, Best Friends Animal Sanctuary is able to provide safe haven for cats with FeLV. Sometimes they need some extra TLC and time to find the perfect forever family, but with your support we are able to provide them with all that they need, for as long as they need it.

udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 2233

Pridružen: To nov 12, 2013 10:26 pm

Odgovor Po feb 08, 2016 9:05 pm

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

moksa je napisal/-a:Hvala za tole branje :) :good:

Upam, da si bo še veliko ljudi prebralo te članke in tudi pozitivčkom omogočilo življenje, ki pritiče našim ljubljenčkom.

Pozdravček od 10-letnega FIV+ :cat: Snežka na treh tačkah :kiss: (ni sicer čisto nujno, da bi vas poljubčkal :D)
Uporabniški avatar

udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 21774

Pridružen: Pe avg 13, 2010 2:52 pm

Odgovor To feb 09, 2016 9:52 am

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

Uporabniški avatar

udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 11175

Pridružen: Pe mar 22, 2013 10:02 pm

Odgovor Sr feb 10, 2016 1:10 pm

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

:clap: še več takih člankov in predvsem ljudi, ki bodo to brali.

vida je napisal/-a:Pozdravček od 10-letnega FIV+ :cat: Snežka na treh tačkah :kiss: (ni sicer čisto nujno, da bi vas poljubčkal :D)

Snežko, ne rabiš nas lupčkat, bomo mi tebe :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: . Ostani zdrav <3

udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 2233

Pridružen: To nov 12, 2013 10:26 pm

Odgovor So feb 13, 2016 10:39 am

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

Loti Pupa <3
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zvesti pes
zvesti pes

Prispevkov: 997

Pridružen: To nov 27, 2012 10:37 am

Odgovor Pe mar 11, 2016 10:02 am

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

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zvesti pes
zvesti pes

Prispevkov: 997

Pridružen: To nov 27, 2012 10:37 am

Odgovor Če okt 27, 2016 6:07 am

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

Za FIV+ skrbnike. Tilko Tramski se bo pridružil projektu. ;)


Še na kratko o projektu Barbare in Boba Hunt iz Catwork zavetišča za muce s posebnimi potrebami, vključno s FIV in FeLV pozitivnimi (deluje že 20 let).
Zakaj ta projekt? - V letu 2011 sta izdala knjižico o tem, kaj sta se naučila o FIV+ mačkah iz zavetišča. Knjižica med drugim vsebuje tudi grafikon zdravstvene zgodovine za več kot 80 FIV+ mačk, za katere so skrbeli v zavetišču. Čeprav je precej osnovna, se je pokazal velik interes, še posebej pri nekaterih veterinarjih, ki so bili presenečeni, kako malo bolezni se je pojavilo v obdobju. (opomba: seveda govorita o razmerah v UK)
Grafikon iz knjižice služi kot osnova za obstoječ projekt.

V projektu se bo dokumentiralo življenje 1000 mačk, ki živijo normalno življenje v domovih po vsem svetu - pogosto živijo skupaj z drugimi mačkami.
Namen: pokazati, na podlagi primerov, kaj pomeni življenje s FIV+ mačko.
Metoda: da njihove zgodbe povejo tisti, ki jih najbolje poznajo; njihovi skrbniki.

V projektu, ki se je začel decembra 2014 že sodeluje 690 muc iz vsega sveta. :) :good:
Vljudno vabim k sodelovanju... <3
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udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 14951

Pridružen: Ne avg 15, 2010 12:11 pm

Odgovor Če dec 01, 2016 6:09 pm

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

Še ena šapičina, tokrat ob današnjem dnevu boja proti Aidsu. :good: :clap:

Mi smo fivčki pozitivčki –
carte, norčki in igrivčki.
Vemo: če ima maček FIV
sam gotovo nič ni kriv.
Muc kondomov ne pozna,
po nagonu se ravna.
Pravočasno ga kastriraj,
mačko pa steriliziraj.
Brez ljubezenskih zapletov
in mačističnih pretepov
skrajno zmanjšaš možnosti
da odvečen plus dobi.
A četudi že ima FIV,
je lahko še dolgo živ.
Le pogumno, brez predsodkov
do FIV+ mačjih falotkov.

"Some say I dream too big, I say they think too small." (Esther the Wonder Pig)

čvekava papiga
čvekava papiga

Prispevkov: 255

Pridružen: To jun 21, 2016 1:11 pm

Odgovor Če dec 01, 2016 8:12 pm

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

Oo luškano :) :good:
Uporabniški avatar

udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 26240

Pridružen: Ne jan 27, 2013 5:26 am

Odgovor Če dec 01, 2016 9:18 pm

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

:clap: :clap:
Uporabniški avatar

udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 2766

Pridružen: Če sep 09, 2010 5:00 am

Kraj: Celje

Odgovor Če dec 22, 2016 2:25 pm

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

Vau. Superca :good: :kiss:

Tudi mi imamo doma enga Fivčka, bo star že kakšni 9 ali več let. Pri nas pa kraljuje že polni 6 let, ves čas popolnoma zdrav in največji carljivček, kar sem jih kdaj imela.

Upam da nas bo še dolgo razveseljeval s svojim krasnim karakterjem.
Ni navadnih mačk
Uporabniški avatar

udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 1729

Pridružen: So okt 15, 2011 12:17 pm

Odgovor To jan 17, 2017 11:49 pm

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

:'( danes mineva že tri leta, kar moje fivčice Marjetke ni več z nami.... čedalje večkrat se sprašujem, ali je mogoče, da pri FIV pozitivni mami eden od muckov ni pozitiven? Testirani sta bili Pikica in Marjetka ter mama Špela, Murija pa potem sploh niso testirali.... Muri bo letos star že 12 let, kar se mi za mucka, ki naj bi bil pozitiven od rojstva, zdi zelo veliko... (trkam na les, da ne bom česa zarekla :( )...vaše izkušnje, mnenje? :girlblush: saj vem, najmanj je, da ga dam testirat, pa vendar...
Uporabniški avatar

udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 21774

Pridružen: Pe avg 13, 2010 2:52 pm

Odgovor Sr jan 18, 2017 7:25 am

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

Pri fiv pozitivni mami je redko kdo pozitiven. Tudi če imajo takšni mladiči prvi test pozitiven, je tisti pri šestih mesecih negativen. Pa tudi sicer po zadnjih raziskavah je povprečna življenjska doba fivčkov, ki živijo notri in imajo dobro oskrbo, praktično enaka kot negativnih.
Uporabniški avatar

udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 1729

Pridružen: So okt 15, 2011 12:17 pm

Odgovor Sr jan 18, 2017 11:58 am

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

Helena, hvala za odgovor....res sta bili Pikica in Marjetka testirani ob sterilizaciji, tam nekje pri 3-4 mesecih, drugega testa pa nismo delali... <3 moj črnuhec bo potem še doooolgo z nami :kiss:
Uporabniški avatar

udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 21774

Pridružen: Pe avg 13, 2010 2:52 pm

Odgovor Sr jan 18, 2017 1:21 pm

Re: Felv in Fiv -uporabno

To itak, s pluskom ali brez :) <3

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