2024JANUAR51 - Žepnice v angleščini

Moderatorji: biarritz, Bela šapa, metina

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Prispevkov: 27

Pridružen: Če sep 17, 2015 6:43 pm

Odgovor Pe jan 12, 2024 6:32 pm

2024JANUAR51 - Žepnice v angleščini



A) Simon Scarrow: UNDER THE EAGLE (prva knjiga v seriji Eagles of the Empire)
It is 42 AD, and Quintus Licinius Cato has just arrived in Germany as a new recruit to the Second Legion, the toughest in the Roman army. If adjusting to the rigours of military life isn’t difficult enough for the bookish young man, he also has to contend with the disgust of his colleagues when, because of his imperial connections, he is appointed a rank above them. As second-in-command to Macro, the fearless, battle-scarred centurion who leads them, Cato will have more to prove than most in the adventures that lie ahead. Then the men discover that the army’s next campaign will take them to a land of unparalleled barbarity - Britain. After the long march west, Cato and Macro undertake a special mission that will thrust them headlong into a conspiracy that threatens to topple the Emperor himself...

Berlin 1943. August Schlegel lives in a world full of questions with no easy answers. Why is he being called out on a homicide case when he works in financial crimes? Why did the old Jewish soldier with an Iron Cross shoot the block warden in the eye then put a bullet through his own head? Why does Schlegel persist with the case when no one cares because the Jews are all being shipped out anyway? And why should Eiko Morgen, wearing the dreaded black uniform of the SS, turn up and say he has been assigned to work with him?
Corpses, dressed with fake money, bodies flayed beyond recognition: are these routine murders committed out of rage or is someone trying to tell them something ...

C) Andrew Rosenheim: Fear Itself (prva knjiga v seriji o agentu Jimmyu Nessheimu)
It is 1940, and war is raging in Europe. With forty million citizens of German ancestry, there is great pressure within America to stay out of the fight. Elements ranging from the Nazi-sympathetic German-American Bund to the WASP-led America First movement are working feverishly to make sure America does not intervene on the side of a beleaguered Great Britain. Jimmy Nessheim, a young Special Agent in the fledgling FBI, is assigned to infiltrate a German–American organization known as the Bund. Ardently pro-Nazi, the Bund is conspiring to sabotage American efforts against Adolf Hitler. But as Nessheim’s investigation takes him into the very heart of the Bund, it becomes increasingly clear that something far more sinister is at work, something that seems to lead directly to the White House.

D) Conn Iggulden: WARS OF THE ROSES (celotna serija s 4 knjigami)


    - Stormbird (Wars of the Roses #1)
    - Trinity (Wars of the Roses #2)
    - Bloodline (Wars of the Roses #3)
    - Ravenspur: Rise of the Tudors (Wars of the Roses #4)
“Capturing the violence and romance of medieval life, Iggulden makes real those grand characters who live in the collective memory. A page-turner sure to have readers eager for the next in the series." —Kirkus
The first book in #1 New York Times-bestselling author Conn Iggulden’s brilliant new historical series about two families who plunged England into a devastating, decades-long civil war.
In 1437, the Lancaster king Henry VI ascends the throne of England after years of semi-peaceful regency. Named “The Lamb,” Henry is famed more for his gentle and pious nature than his father’s famous battlefield exploits; already, his dependence on his closest men has stirred whispers of weakness at court.
A secret truce negotiated with France to trade British territories for a royal bride—Margaret of Anjou—sparks revolts across English territory. The rival royal line, the House of York, sees the chaos brought on by Henry’s weakness and with it not only opportunity in the monarch, but also their patriotic duty in ousting an ineffectual king. As storm clouds gather over England, King Henry and his supporters find themselves besieged abroad and at home. Who or what can save the kingdom before it is too late?

Donator: Artie

Prevzem: Veterina MH Ljubljana, osebno Ljubljana-Center in Ljubljana-Bežigrad

Licitiranje se zaključi v nedeljo, 21.01.2024 ob 21. uri (licitirate lahko do 20:59:59 s podaljški).

Izklicne cene:
A = 3 EUR
B = 3 EUR
C = 3 EUR
D = 15 EUR
Uporabniški avatar

udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 16521

Pridružen: Sr sep 08, 2010 9:10 pm

Odgovor So jan 13, 2024 7:28 pm

Re: 2024JANUAR51 - Žepnice v angleščini

D 15
Uporabniški avatar

udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 2602

Pridružen: Če sep 09, 2010 5:03 pm

Odgovor To jan 16, 2024 8:56 am

Re: 2024JANUAR51 - Žepnice v angleščini

D 16 eur
Uporabniški avatar

udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 26240

Pridružen: Ne jan 27, 2013 5:26 am

Odgovor Ne jan 21, 2024 11:18 pm

Re: 2024JANUAR51 - Žepnice v angleščini

D zlicitirala Tyto alba za 16 eur.

Ostalo ni prodano.
Uporabniški avatar

udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 2602

Pridružen: Če sep 09, 2010 5:03 pm

Odgovor Po feb 26, 2024 5:39 am

Re: 2024JANUAR51 - Žepnice v angleščini

Na tole sem pozabila, se opravičujem. D plačano z zamudnimi obrestmi...

Prosim za prevzem na MH veterini.

udomačen tiger
udomačen tiger

Prispevkov: 30107

Pridružen: Če sep 09, 2010 7:42 am

Odgovor To feb 27, 2024 12:52 am

Re: 2024JANUAR51 - Žepnice v angleščini

Hvala za nakazilo in info.

nevidna bolha
nevidna bolha

Prispevkov: 27

Pridružen: Če sep 17, 2015 6:43 pm

Odgovor Če feb 29, 2024 11:02 am

Re: 2024JANUAR51 - Žepnice v angleščini

Te dni nisem preveč mobilna, ker me je ujela bolezen. Dostavim na Veterino MH v prihodnjem tednu, potrdim, ko oddam. :)

nevidna bolha
nevidna bolha

Prispevkov: 27

Pridružen: Če sep 17, 2015 6:43 pm

Odgovor So mar 09, 2024 1:06 pm

Re: 2024JANUAR51 - Žepnice v angleščini

Oddano na Veterini MH. :)

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